
The Relationship of Transformational Leadership and Perceived Organisational Support with Organizational Commitment: The mediating role of Employee Engagement

    Saurabh Kumar   Bio
    ; Simranjeet Kaur Bagga   Bio


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This study proposed a conceptual model and examined the nature of the relationship between transformational leadership (TFL), perceived organisational support (POS), employee engagement (EE), and organisational commitment (OC) among employees in the Indian IT sector. It then examined the mediating effect of EE on the relationship between TFL, POS, and OC. The partial least squares equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was applied to validate the conceptual model. The findings revealed that TFL, POS and EE were significantly and positively related to OC. TFL had a greater significant effect on OC than POS. EE was found to partially mediate the relationship between TFL, POS, and OC. Control variables had a weak effect on EE and OC. However, Multigroup Analysis (MGA) revealed a significant difference in the EE of TFL between the lower and middle level managers. The findings confirm that direct policymakers and HR departments influence TFL and EE by adopting organisational interventions. Besides, its effect is also manifested in increasing the positive attitude and commitment towards the employees’ work.

Keyword : Transformational Leadership, Perceived Organizational Support, Employee Engagement, Organizational Commitment, PLS-SEM Liderança Transformacional, Suporte Organizacional Percebido, Envolvimento dos Funcionários, Compromisso Organizacional, PLS-SEM

How to Cite
Kumar, S., & Bagga, S. K. (2023). The Relationship of Transformational Leadership and Perceived Organisational Support with Organizational Commitment: The mediating role of Employee Engagement. Brazilian Business Review, 21(2).


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